Which Of These Is A Common Misconception About The Bible?

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Question 1/10
Which of these is not true:
Galatians was written by Paul
Luke was an apostle of Jesus
The New Testament is written in Greek
There are 10 Apostles
There are 4 Gospels
Question 2/10
Which of these is not true:
The Old Testament is written in Hebrew
Judas betrayed Jesus
Peter was a fisherman
Jesus was crucified on the Passover
Luke was an apostle of Jesus
Question 3/10
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor
Revalation is the final book of the New Testament
John the Baptist was Jesus' Nephew
Jesus was born in Bethlehem
Jesus rose on the third day
Question 4/10
Which of these is not true:
James was the uncle of Jesus
Caiaphus was high priest when Jesus was crucified
Paul was converted on the road to Damascus
Jesus met with Nicodemus at night
Jesus' mother was Mary
Question 5/10
Which of these is not true:
The maji brought gifts to Jesus
Jesus was born in Jerusalem
Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Jesus
Simon of Syrene carried Jesus' Cross
Jesus was crucified on Golgotha
Question 6/10
Which of these is not true:
Mark was not a disciple of Jesus
Paul was a tent maker
An epistle is a type of boat
Paul preached in Athens
Luke wrote the book of Acts
Question 7/10
Which of these is not true:
Peter cut off the ear of the Roman soldier
Pontius Pilate was high priest
Jesus was arrested in a garden
Jesus entered Jerusalem on a Donkey
Paul wrote letters to Timothy
Question 8/10
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was descended from David
Jesus was baptised by Paul
The last supper occurred in the upper room
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
Joseph was married to Mary
Question 9/10
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was crucified between 2 thieves
Peter was a tax collector
Paul wrote 2 letters to the Corinthians
Stephen was the first Christian martyr
Paul was originally named Saul
Question 10/10
Which of these is not true:
Zaccheas climbed into an Oak tree
Jesus ascended into heaven
John the Baptist was beheaded
The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost
"Christ" means "Annointed" in Greek
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Question 1
Which of these is not true:
Galatians was written by Paul
Luke was an apostle of Jesus
The New Testament is written in Greek
There are 10 Apostles
There are 4 Gospels
Question 2
Which of these is not true:
The Old Testament is written in Hebrew
Judas betrayed Jesus
Peter was a fisherman
Jesus was crucified on the Passover
Luke was an apostle of Jesus
Question 3
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was transfigured on Mount Tabor
Revalation is the final book of the New Testament
John the Baptist was Jesus' Nephew
Jesus was born in Bethlehem
Jesus rose on the third day
Question 4
Which of these is not true:
James was the uncle of Jesus
Caiaphus was high priest when Jesus was crucified
Paul was converted on the road to Damascus
Jesus met with Nicodemus at night
Jesus' mother was Mary
Question 5
Which of these is not true:
The maji brought gifts to Jesus
Jesus was born in Jerusalem
Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Jesus
Simon of Syrene carried Jesus' Cross
Jesus was crucified on Golgotha
Question 6
Which of these is not true:
Mark was not a disciple of Jesus
Paul was a tent maker
An epistle is a type of boat
Paul preached in Athens
Luke wrote the book of Acts
Question 7
Which of these is not true:
Peter cut off the ear of the Roman soldier
Pontius Pilate was high priest
Jesus was arrested in a garden
Jesus entered Jerusalem on a Donkey
Paul wrote letters to Timothy
Question 8
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was descended from David
Jesus was baptised by Paul
The last supper occurred in the upper room
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead
Joseph was married to Mary
Question 9
Which of these is not true:
Jesus was crucified between 2 thieves
Peter was a tax collector
Paul wrote 2 letters to the Corinthians
Stephen was the first Christian martyr
Paul was originally named Saul
Question 10
Which of these is not true:
Zaccheas climbed into an Oak tree
Jesus ascended into heaven
John the Baptist was beheaded
The Holy Spirit was given at Pentecost
"Christ" means "Annointed" in Greek

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