Are You a Peter Or a Paul?

Peter was a bold and brash fisherman, one of the first to jump into any argument, but always loyal to Jesus. Paul was a Pharisee, and a leader in the Synagogue. He persecuted Believers … that is until he became one of them on his way to Damascus. After this Paul became a Missionary to the Gentile World. Are you a Peter or a Paul? Take our quiz and learn which of these early Christians you most resemble.

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Question 1/10
Your church has decided to follow a more legalistic form of Christian life. What is your take on this change?
Walking boldly into the board meeting, I let the leadership know that legalism is putting believers in chains that Jesus broke at Calvary
I meet calmly with the Board of Deacons and show them through the Word that this would be the wrong path to take.
Well, though I don't feel this is a good thing, I keep my cool and say nothing.
Knowing this never brings you closer to God, I object rather loudly. Later, when tempers have cooled, I hold to my stance, but do so in a more mature and quieter manner.
Weighing all of the pros and cons, I inform the board that I disagree with their decision and lay out the reasons why.
Question 2/10
Forty five days before Jan. 1st, Pastor calls for a church wide fast to prepare for the coming New Year. He has placed a calendar in the foyer for people to choose their day and/or time slots. How do you respond?
Not making any decisions without much prayer and counting the cost, I come in for Bible Study on Wednesday night and choose to fast one meal a day for each of the 40 days.
I boldly march into the foyer after the Sunday morning service and fill in several slots through out the 40 day period; at least one meal a day for the full 40 days.
I choose three meals each week, writing my name with big, bold print.
What, me fast? Jesus never said that fasting was mandatory.
Having prayerfully considered when and how long to fast and put my name in for 20 meals during the 40 days.
Question 3/10
The church has decided to hold a revival in the park during the annual Fourth of July Celebration, what part do you play?
I pray with Pastor to see where and how God wants to use me during the revival.
I let others volunteer, I have too many other ministry opportunities to take care of.
I order lots of my favorite tracts and pass them out during the parade and all over the park during the revival meeting.
After prayerful consideration, I set up a booth at the edge of the revival where I can answer people's questions and offer a bit of counseling.
I meet with the Pastor to let him know I would be glad to talk to those who make a decision to serve God. I can show them the way!
Question 4/10
There is a dinner to introduce the new converts to the leadership team of the church. What do you do?
I set amidst a group of new believers to eat, share a bit of my testimony with them and answer any questions they may have.
I attend, but sit off to one side with a few of my favorite church members.
While I would like to sit and chat with the newbies, I think I am better suited to donating a good roast lamb for the dinner. Don't want them to start off eating the wrong things, do we.
This is a new believers dinner. I am not a new believer or part of the leadership, why should I go?
While sitting with a few of the people I brought to church recently, I encourage them to dig deeply into the Word to learn all they can of Jesus and His ways.
Question 5/10
Someone you know gets filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit during the revival, but they had never displayed their faith before. Were they already believers? How do you respond?
I boldly and boisterously congratulate them giving them a holy hug. We all could use a fresh indwelling.
I quietly make my way to them to shake their hand and make them feel welcome.
I shake their hand and introduce them to others in my circle of friends.
What am I supposed to do, God has done all the work. He filled them.
After the crowd clears, I make sure they have all of the materials needed to learn more about this new step in their Christian walk.
Question 6/10
A new church has opened across the street from yours, but they are not Christians, what would you do?
I would pray, then go check out their beliefs and holy book so that I might lead them to Jesus with their own texts.
I would march into their leader's office and preach the gospel to them.
I would pray for their conversion, that is all I need to do. God will take care of the rest.
I would call for our pastor and go with him to talk with their leader
Though I would want to be bold and lead them to Jesus, I feel that I need the knowledge and strength of another brother in Christ to go with me to talk with them.
Question 7/10
There is a couple in your body who are consummate liars. They have lied about many things, but when they lied about the donation they had placed in their offering, they have lied to God. How do you respond?
Calmly, but with holy boldness, I would rebuke them where they stand, then direct them to meet with the pastor.
I would call them out in the middle of the congregation for their lies and let the body judge them.
I would take them off to private room and chastise them for their sin and encourage them toward repentance.
I would stay out of it, that is a job for the pastor and elders' board not me.
I would take another believer with me and rebuke them quietly and in private, praying with them.
Question 8/10
Pastor wants to hold a baptism service in the river just outside of town. How do you help?
I am not a minister, why should I help? I will go and watch with the other worshipers.
I will pray with those being baptized and make sure they have a Bible to read, encouraging them to start in the book of John.
I will jump right in the river with pastor and help baptize all of the candidates
I will hold the towels for those who are baptized and those baptizing so I can help them get warm and dry
I will shout praises to God and dance before Him in honor of their commitment.
Question 9/10
After hearing a message pastor gave on missions, you feel God placing a new calling on you to take His message to the world. What is your next step?
I would wait for the invitation at the end of the service, then go forward and tell pastor of my desire to serve God in foreign lands.
I would jump up and run forward telling of my calling and desire to answer it. Right Now!
Go to the mission field, not me. It would take me away from all that I have to do right here.
I know God has called me, so I meet with Pastor to see what he feels my next step should be.
I know missions work doesn't have to be in another country, and I know I am called. I go forward during the invite in faith, and commit myself to ministry around the US.
Question 10/10
A local street gang has vandalized the church and you caught them in the act. How do you react?
There is nothing I can do. The police and the pastor have been called and are on the way.
After the gang has been processed by the police, I have them released into my care so that I can teach them of Jesus and lead them into repentance.
I march up and start knocking heads together, as I 'encourage' them to clean up the damage.
I would call the police and the pastor, as I round up the gang while we await their arrival.
After the police take their report, I usher the gang into the church to teach them their errors. Together the gang and I clean up their destruction.
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Question 1
Your church has decided to follow a more legalistic form of Christian life. What is your take on this change?
Walking boldly into the board meeting, I let the leadership know that legalism is putting believers in chains that Jesus broke at Calvary
I meet calmly with the Board of Deacons and show them through the Word that this would be the wrong path to take.
Well, though I don't feel this is a good thing, I keep my cool and say nothing.
Knowing this never brings you closer to God, I object rather loudly. Later, when tempers have cooled, I hold to my stance, but do so in a more mature and quieter manner.
Weighing all of the pros and cons, I inform the board that I disagree with their decision and lay out the reasons why.
Question 2
Forty five days before Jan. 1st, Pastor calls for a church wide fast to prepare for the coming New Year. He has placed a calendar in the foyer for people to choose their day and/or time slots. How do you respond?
Not making any decisions without much prayer and counting the cost, I come in for Bible Study on Wednesday night and choose to fast one meal a day for each of the 40 days.
I boldly march into the foyer after the Sunday morning service and fill in several slots through out the 40 day period; at least one meal a day for the full 40 days.
I choose three meals each week, writing my name with big, bold print.
What, me fast? Jesus never said that fasting was mandatory.
Having prayerfully considered when and how long to fast and put my name in for 20 meals during the 40 days.
Question 3
The church has decided to hold a revival in the park during the annual Fourth of July Celebration, what part do you play?
I pray with Pastor to see where and how God wants to use me during the revival.
I let others volunteer, I have too many other ministry opportunities to take care of.
I order lots of my favorite tracts and pass them out during the parade and all over the park during the revival meeting.
After prayerful consideration, I set up a booth at the edge of the revival where I can answer people's questions and offer a bit of counseling.
I meet with the Pastor to let him know I would be glad to talk to those who make a decision to serve God. I can show them the way!
Question 4
There is a dinner to introduce the new converts to the leadership team of the church. What do you do?
I set amidst a group of new believers to eat, share a bit of my testimony with them and answer any questions they may have.
I attend, but sit off to one side with a few of my favorite church members.
While I would like to sit and chat with the newbies, I think I am better suited to donating a good roast lamb for the dinner. Don't want them to start off eating the wrong things, do we.
This is a new believers dinner. I am not a new believer or part of the leadership, why should I go?
While sitting with a few of the people I brought to church recently, I encourage them to dig deeply into the Word to learn all they can of Jesus and His ways.
Question 5
Someone you know gets filled with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit during the revival, but they had never displayed their faith before. Were they already believers? How do you respond?
I boldly and boisterously congratulate them giving them a holy hug. We all could use a fresh indwelling.
I quietly make my way to them to shake their hand and make them feel welcome.
I shake their hand and introduce them to others in my circle of friends.
What am I supposed to do, God has done all the work. He filled them.
After the crowd clears, I make sure they have all of the materials needed to learn more about this new step in their Christian walk.
Question 6
A new church has opened across the street from yours, but they are not Christians, what would you do?
I would pray, then go check out their beliefs and holy book so that I might lead them to Jesus with their own texts.
I would march into their leader's office and preach the gospel to them.
I would pray for their conversion, that is all I need to do. God will take care of the rest.
I would call for our pastor and go with him to talk with their leader
Though I would want to be bold and lead them to Jesus, I feel that I need the knowledge and strength of another brother in Christ to go with me to talk with them.
Question 7
There is a couple in your body who are consummate liars. They have lied about many things, but when they lied about the donation they had placed in their offering, they have lied to God. How do you respond?
Calmly, but with holy boldness, I would rebuke them where they stand, then direct them to meet with the pastor.
I would call them out in the middle of the congregation for their lies and let the body judge them.
I would take them off to private room and chastise them for their sin and encourage them toward repentance.
I would stay out of it, that is a job for the pastor and elders' board not me.
I would take another believer with me and rebuke them quietly and in private, praying with them.
Question 8
Pastor wants to hold a baptism service in the river just outside of town. How do you help?
I am not a minister, why should I help? I will go and watch with the other worshipers.
I will pray with those being baptized and make sure they have a Bible to read, encouraging them to start in the book of John.
I will jump right in the river with pastor and help baptize all of the candidates
I will hold the towels for those who are baptized and those baptizing so I can help them get warm and dry
I will shout praises to God and dance before Him in honor of their commitment.
Question 9
After hearing a message pastor gave on missions, you feel God placing a new calling on you to take His message to the world. What is your next step?
I would wait for the invitation at the end of the service, then go forward and tell pastor of my desire to serve God in foreign lands.
I would jump up and run forward telling of my calling and desire to answer it. Right Now!
Go to the mission field, not me. It would take me away from all that I have to do right here.
I know God has called me, so I meet with Pastor to see what he feels my next step should be.
I know missions work doesn't have to be in another country, and I know I am called. I go forward during the invite in faith, and commit myself to ministry around the US.
Question 10
A local street gang has vandalized the church and you caught them in the act. How do you react?
There is nothing I can do. The police and the pastor have been called and are on the way.
After the gang has been processed by the police, I have them released into my care so that I can teach them of Jesus and lead them into repentance.
I march up and start knocking heads together, as I 'encourage' them to clean up the damage.
I would call the police and the pastor, as I round up the gang while we await their arrival.
After the police take their report, I usher the gang into the church to teach them their errors. Together the gang and I clean up their destruction.

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